1:1 Coaching

I believe there’s something really magical about living in alignment with (among other things) our neurotype, energy levels, gender identity and sexuality.

I’m not going to tell you that living a countercultural life is easy because it’s not, but it’s also pretty hard trying to squish ourselves into how society expects us to live.

Through my 1:1 work, I support my clients to figure out how to do life in a way that’s compatible with who they are and what they want and need.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
— Mary Oliver

Some of the things we could work on:

  • Becoming more deeply connected to yourself and navigating life from that place

  • Learning more about what it means to live in alignment with your neurotype

    (e.g. emotional regulation, navigating burnout, how you meet your sensory needs, where and how to unmask etc.)

  • Deciding where you want to spend your limited energy

  • Building like-minded community and connections that feel good for everyone involved

  • Living a more self-directed and consent-based life

How does it work?

I usually see clients fortnightly over a period of 6 months. This work can be deeply transformative and I find we need that amount of time to really make progress. Some clients go on to work with me for longer, but there’s absolutely no expectation that you will.

Our work together won’t look the same as the work I do with anyone else. Depending on what you’re hoping to get from the work, we might use a blend of modalities including: Transformational Coaching, Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), Matrix Reimprinting, Somatic practices, Tarot / Oracle cards, Visualisation. I’ll never tell you what to do and if you don’t like something, we don’t have to do it - consent is a foundational practice of my work.

In between sessions, you’ll have access to support for 6 months via voice/text messaging app, Voxer. Some reasons you might like to connect with me there include to share how you’re doing, to get a dose of cheerleading if you’re finding something hard, to ask for a resource on something or to get a tarot/oracle card on a question.


The price for working together for 6 months is £2400 (£400 per month)

This includes 12 x 1-hour sessions as well as 6 months of voice/text messaging support via Voxer.

Interest-free payment plans are available; no questions asked.


As a neurodivergent person and a single parent to two neurodivergent children, my work hours are limited.

In order to do my best work and meet my family’s financial needs, I work with a limited number of clients at a time.

For every 6 full fee-paying clients I take on, I offer 1 low-cost spot to someone who wouldn’t otherwise be able to access my 1:1 work. These spots are in high demand and there is currently a waiting list.

If you’d like to join the waiting list for a low-cost spot, please sign up here. And to be kept in the loop about other ways we could work together, sign up to my newsletter, Spark below.

Please note, I trust you to know what you can afford and will never ask you to prove your financial situation.


I currently don't have any available spots for 1:1 coaching, but if you'd like to add your name to the waitlist, please click the button below and I’ll be in touch as soon as that changes. I review my capacity quarterly and as clients come to the end of their contracted sessions, I'm able to open slots for new clients. 

You can expect to hear from me in August 2024. The next step will be to book an intro call with a view to starting in September 2024.

Give Voxer a try

You’ll have 6 months of between-session support on secure messaging app, Voxer. I’m a big fan of it’s walkie-talkie function, meaning you can either listen to voice messages live or listen and respond in your own time.

If you’d like to give it a try, listen to a message from me here with some quick steps on how to get started.


  • Unlike some other therapeutic practices, coaching is an equal relationship defined by consent, empathy, safety, confidentiality, non-judgement, honesty, self-reflection and humour.

    At no time will I try to fix you, but I will instead help you to rediscover the untapped and infinite resources you have within.

    To see what my clients say about working with me, check out some testimonials.

  • Your comfort matters! Please feel free to stim, take breaks if you need to and have to hand anything you need to feel as comfy as possible, e.g. blankets, fidget toys, a warm drink.

    You might also like to bring a notepad and pen if you’re someone who processes best whilst doodling or writing.

    In order for our work to be as impactful as possible, it’s important to be somewhere quiet where you can speak freely without feeling observed by others.

    If you have any access needs, please do let me know.

  • Sessions usually take place online via Zoom (video calling platform), but they can also be via telephone if you prefer.

    Asynchronous coaching via Voxer is another option if you’d prefer to speak via voice notes for the allotted hour.

  • The majority of my 1:1 client work takes place during UK office hours on Wednesdays and Fridays. I can sometimes offer Tuesday or Thursday evenings, depending on availability.

  • I offer interest-free payment plans. You are welcome to pay £400 per month or suggest an alternative if that works better. Some clients go on paying me after our work together has finished, others pay a lump sum up front with smaller instalments. Either way, we can usually make it work so think about what might work for you and we can chat about it in the Intro Call.

    After we’ve agreed a payment plan that works for us both, you’ll receive an invoice from Square. You’ll enter your credit/debit card details and the money will be taken automatically each month on the same day for as long as the payment plan lasts. It’s much easier than a bank transfer and cuts down on admin for both of us!

  • Whilst my work is trauma-informed and I often work with clients to release and resolve trauma, working with me is not a substitute for acute mental health care or substance abuse treatment. If you are currently in any kind of therapy, please inform your medical or therapeutic practitioner of your intention to work with a coach.


Spark - Monthly resource for deeper connection to self and community